Company Certifications
Italian Headquarters
For more than 20 years, Mozzanica has undertaken a certification process for all company processes and personnel technical skills, in order to guarantee the level of product and service quality required by the markets.
A continuously evolving and expanding route that allows the company to carry out its activities in accordance with current standards, both nationally and internationally, to improve efficiency, have greater access to complex markets and gain a competitive advantage over global competitors.
Process Certifications - Integrated System for Quality, Safety, Environment
ISO 9001 - Quality Management System
Design, installation and maintenance of firefighting systems
Marketing and maintenance of fire extinguishers, firefighting materials and passive fire protection systems
Since 2004, Mozzanica has adopted the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 management system for all company processes, from design to sales, installation and maintenance of fire-fighting systems and devices manufactured according to different technologies.
Next renewal: November 2025

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Design, installation and maintenance of firefighting systems
Marketing and maintenance of fire extinguishers, firefighting materials and passive fire protection systems
In 2020, Mozzanica acquires ISO 45001:2018 certification, the internationally recognised Occupational Health and Safety Management System reference standard applicable to all organisations operating in the private and public sectors.
Next renewal: December 2026

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
Design, installation and maintenance of firefighting systems
Marketing and maintenance of fire extinguishers, firefighting materials and passive fire protection systems
In 2023, Mozzanica completes its Certified Management System with the acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification, thus building a complete integrated management system covering all environmental aspects and requirements.
Next renewal: December 2026

Competence Certifications
FGAS - Firefighting maintenance service
Installation, repair, maintenance or servicing, decommissioning of fire protection systems and equipment containing fluorinated gases
Mozzanica in 2013 acquired FGAS certification for the management of fluorinated gas fire protection systems.
Next renewal: November 2028

ICIM - Firefighting maintenance service
Portable and mobile fire extinguishers
Fire hydrant network components
In 2015 Mozzanica complies with the voluntary project "ICIM certified maintenance", promoted by UMAN, a Confindustria trade association, which the company is a member.
Next renewal: April 2025

Competence Certifications - Marine sector
LLOYD - Approved Service Supplier
Inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment and systems
- High Pressure CO2 Fire Extinguishing systems
- Water Mist Fire Extinguishing systems
- Low pressure Sprinkler systems
- Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing systems
- Fixed Wet chemical Fire Extinguishing systems
- Fixed Foam Fire Extinguishing systems
High and low pressure hydraulic cylinder test
Inspection and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
Inspection and maintenance of gas welding systems
In 2014, Mozzanica received approval from the Lloyd's Register, the ship certification body, as an approved service provider for ship-related activities.
Next renewal: July 2026

DNV - Approved Service Supplier
Inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment and systems
Inspection and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
Inspection and maintenance of gas welding systems
In 2015, Mozzanica received approval from DNV-GL (Det Norske Veritas & Germanischer Lloyd) as an approved service provider for marine activities.
Next renewals: Jaunary 2027 (HRV) and February 2027 (HRY)


ABS - Approved Service Supplier
Inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment and systems
Inspection and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
Inspection and maintenance of immersion suits
Inspection and maintenance of life jackets
In 2014, Mozzanica received approval from ABS (America Bureau of Shipping) as an approved service provider for shipping activities.
Next renewals: December 2026



RINA - Approved Service Supplier
Inspection and maintenance of gas welding systems
Inspection and maintenance of immersion suits
Inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment and systems
Inspection and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
In 2014 Mozzanica received approval from RINA (Registro Navale Italiano) as an approved service provider for marine activities.
Next renewal: November 2026

IMQ - Fire extinguisher and fire screen doors technical qualification
UNI 9994-2 standard
- Senior fire extinguishers maintenance technician
- Fire extinguishers maintenance technician
UNI 11473-3 standard
- Responsible technician
- Enforcing maintenance technician
Mozzanica has certified its own personnel, through the IMQ qualification process according the italian Regulations.